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Friday, July 31, 2015

Cara Mengatasi Not Responding Dynasty Warrior 8 Extreme Legends

Salam hangat sobat Cheater semua, semoga dalam keadaan sehat, kali ini mimin mau ngasih solusi nih saat mimin main game yang satu ini, dah googling tapi agak susah juga nemunya, makanya mimin ngasih yang simplenya disini. Dynasti Warrior 8 Extreme Legends Complete Edition. Nih spec laptop mimin W8 AMD A10 RADEON HD 8670M 2GB

Singkat ceritanya, di game ini ada banyak mode yang bisa dimainin, free mode, challange mode, keduanya bisa dimainin, tapi pas main story mode, selesai memilih karakter dan equipment, muncul loading dan gak kan selesai2 tuh loading alias langsung not responding. Ada beberapa tips yang dapat dilakukan jika terjadi masalah seperti diatas.

CARA 1 :
Sebelum memulai game, buka terlebih dahulu Task Manager (klik kanan taskbar, pilih Task Manager), pilih Details, lalu cari Launcer.exe (yang logonya Lubu DW8), klik kanan pilih set priority lalu pilih High.

CARA 2 :
Sebelum memulai game, klik kanan Shortcut DW8nya atau Launcernya, pilih Properties, pilih Compatibility, centang bacaan "Run this program in compatibility mode for", pilih Windows 98 / Windows Me. Seperti pada gambar di bawah ini :

Selesai, coba langsung mainkan gamenya, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa membantu sobat cheaters semua.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stronghold Crusader 3

Halo sobat cheater semua, kali ini ane mau bahas mengenai game keren yang satu ini, game perang yang menurut ane seru bingit. Pengen main sendiri ? Bisa atau mau main Berdua ma Doi ? Bisa juga, malah lebih seru kalo ada yang nemenin, apalagi si doi yang nemenin behhh, Hemm oke back to game

Seri yang kali ini menurut ane udah keren banget soalnya tampilanya udah beda jauh dari seri2 yang sebelumnya yakni Stronghold 1, 2, Extreme. Dan kali ini tentaranya atau orang2nya bisa keliatan dengan jelas, tidak seperti sebelumnya. Pokoknya kalian pasti suka deh game yang satu ini. Cukup segitu aja penjelasannya, untuk yang mau game ini tapi males buat download, bisa beli Disini

Wednesday, March 25, 2015




DreadOut adalah sebuah permainan video survival horor Indonesia yang dikembangkan oleh Digital Happiness untuk Windows, Mac OS X dan Linux. Permainan ini telah lolos seleksi Steam Greenlight dan direncanakan untuk tersedia untuk dibeli dalam layanan Steam pada Desember 2013.
Ketika sekelompok murid SMA tersesat dari perjalanan liburan mereka, mereka menemukan sebuah kota tua yang telah ditinggalkan. Mereka segera menyadari sesuatu yang jahat akan terjadi. Linda, protagonis permainan ini, menyadari sesuatu yang aneh dan mistis terjadi pada dirinya. Dia memperoleh kekuatan supernatural yang bisa menyelamatkan dia dan teman-temannya dari ancaman supernatural asing.

Disini terlebih dahulu akan membahas dari awal permainan dimana ketika anda pertama kali turun dari kendaraan bersama dengan teman-teman anda. Tanya semua karakter yang ada di sekitar anda, dan ketika anda berbicara dengan Doni, dia akan bergerak ke samping jalan, kemudian ketika dia terlihat sedang melakukan sesuatu, lebih tepatnya dia sedang berusaha membuka jalan lain untuk bisa anda dan teman-teman anda lalui. Anda tanya dia, dan jalanpun terbuka.
Dengarkan sejenak percakapan dari mereka, lalu bergerak ikuti Doni yang berlari. Di area luar ini anda bebas melakukan segala hal seperti memotret spanduk atau poster-poster lucu yang bisa anda simpan di galeri atau langsung di share ke album media sosial anda. Sebelum anda sampai di depan sekolah, anda akan melihat Tugu Monumen. Dekati lalu ambil sebuah objek "Medali Prajurit".
Lanjutkan perjalanan anda, kemudian masuk lewat gerbang sekolah dan anda akan melihat sebuah skenario. Ketika hari mulai gelap, anda akan kembali memerankan peran anda sebagai Linda. Gunakan ponsel ke mode kamera untuk anda bisa melihat di keadaan gelap. kemudian bergerak ke pintu depan masuk gedung sekolah.

Pintu masuk

Dibagian inilah misi anda di mulai, berbekal hanya dengan sebuah smartphone, anda akan menjumpai hal-hal barbau mistis. Seperti penampakan hantu dan lainnya.
Ketika pertama anda masuk ke gedung sekolah, bergerak ke arah lorong, untuk hanya sekedar mengumpulkan objek seperti brosur, jenglot dll.
Anda bisa mengecheck satu persatu kelas yang anda lewati, tentunya pintu yang tidak terkunci.
Namun sebelum itu anda akan menjumpai sejenis babi ngepet yang sedang tertidur, dekati babi tersebut dan lihat di bagian lehernya, ada beberapa kunci disitu.
babi ngepet
Coba dekati dan coba ambil kunci. Tapi disini anda akan terlempar oleh amukan babi yang tiba-tiba bangun, segera gunakan Smartphone anda ke mode kamera, kemudian potret. Ingat, potret ketika layar pada kamera anda menampilkan noise. Potret kurang lebih tiga kali dan babi tersebut akan kabur menjauh dari anda.
Jangan di kejar, hiraukan saja dulu karena seberapa kalipun anda berusaha memotret, musuh anda tidak akan mati.
Bergerak terus check satu persatu kelas yang anda jumpai. Untuk mengetahui apakah ada atau tidak objek di kelas tersebut, anda perhatikan layar anda. Ketika layar anda di kelilingi oleh vignate putih di sekililing layar, itu menandakan berarti ada sesuatu didekat anda.
Usahakan jangan terlalu sering berlari karena di game ini, karakter akan mudah kecapean. Dan jika anda terkena serangan oleh hantu kemudian mati, anda akan mendapati diri anda terdampar di kegelapan dengan cahaya dari beberapa lilin yang mengelilingi anda, untuk menlanjutkan misi atau menghidupkan kembali kesadaran karakter, anda hanya perlu berlari ke arah cahaya putih seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Dunia lain

Setelah anda melewati babi ngepet yang menyerang anda pada bagian sebelumnya, kali ini anda harus mencari kunci untuk membuka sebuah lemari yang ternyata lemari itu adalah jalan rahasia masuk ke sebuah ruangan.
Sebelum anda naik ke lantai berikutnya, terlebih dahulu telusuri koridor lantai pertama sampai anda tiba di ruangan seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Lokasi kunci
Ambil sebuah kunci di pojok dekat puing-puing meja. Lalu kembali dan naik ke lantai dua. Berjalan pelan ambil beberapa objek yang anda temui di ruangan kelas, Ketika anda berjalan sampai di koridor yang menyempit, anda akan di cegat oleh penampakan hantu "Kuntilanak", hati-hati dengan serangan hantu tersebut, gunakan terus smartphone anda di mode kamera, karena kalau tidak, hantu tersebut tidak terlihat.
Penampakan kuntilanak
Disini keputusan tergantung anda, mau di tinggal begitu saja apa di lawan sampai suara dari hantu tersebut benar-benar menghilang.
Setelah ini cari ruangan dimana terdapat lemari dua pintu yang berada di posisi pojok sebuah ruangan.
Setelah berhasil anda buka, dekati tempat tidur. Anda akan melihat sebuah boneka dan kemudian muncul "Hantu Gunting" yang menyerang anda. Berhati-hati karena hantu ini tipe yang agresif, berusaha jaga jarak dari hantu tersebut dan terus potret sampai dia benar-benar menghilang. Ambil gunting yang di jatuhkannya. Lalu keluar dari ruangan tersebut.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ghost Rider PS2



Kesehatan tak terbatas
Pada menu utama, Tahan L1 dan tekan:

Anda juga bisa membuka kostum berikut, Cheats dan Modes dengan melakukan tindakan di bawah ini:

Blade - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Ghost Rider Classic - Lengkapi permainan di Extreme Mode
Extreme Mode - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Ghost Rider 2099 - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Tautan Biaya tak terbatas - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Roh tak terbatas - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Tak terkalahkan - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Satu-Pukulan-Keras - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Turbo Mode - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode
Ghost Rider Ultimate - Selesaikan permainan di Easy Mode
Vengeance - Lengkapi permainan di Easy Mode

NOTE: This walkthrough is written under the assumption that you
are playing through Challenging(Normal) difficulty without
using any cheats.

Level 1: Arrival in Hell

Watch the opening "movie" and then you get a profile shot of
Ghost Rider.

Now, The stage actually begins. Run toward the stairs ahead and
some Razor Demons will attack, netting you your first tutorial
about attacks. Anyway, Finish these guys off to gain the orbs,
then proceed up the stairs to get ambushed by even more Razor
Demons. Keep your Vengeance Gauge as high as you can to obtain
as many souls as possible for upgrading. After this melee,
Advance up the stairs to the next room.

Head down the nearby stairs and refill your health at the fire,
if neccessary, then continue. You'll get a scene of the door
sealing off and be introduced to a new enemy: the Fire Spitter
(man, these guys are annoying). Anyway, Wipe out all the enemies
with as high a Vengeance Gauge as possible. Remember to mix up
your attacks and dodge enemy-attacks to build the gauge faster.
Afterward, the barrier will dissipate and you can continue through
the door. During the fight, you'll be introduced to the Upgrade
"Shop" and you can purchase your first new combo. Let me suggest
"Double-Handed Spin" and "Forward Chain Slam" to begin with. Now,
Finish the fight and proceed through the door.

In the next room, You'll be introduced to the "Shielded" enemy.
You'll have to get your Vengeance Gauge up to Brutal to destroy
the shield so you can finish off the enemy. Finish off the other
enemies that appear then proceed across the bridge to be
introduced to Hell Bats. Wipe them out to continue across the
bridge. If you have it, use the Link Charge Attack to destroy
them if you're surrounded as it will build up your Vengeance
Gauge quite nicely. You'll be ambushed again, so wipe out the
enemies to continue. But, Before that, Be sure to go into
Upgrades and purchase "Forward Chain Roll" and "Helicopter
Slice". Refill your health, if neccessary, then continue
through the door.

Proceed down the steps and into the large room to be introduced
to the first "boss" of the game. Be sure to familiarize yourself
with his attacks because he'll be back as a regular enemy later.
Note: Pick up "Fist Dive" in Upgrades.

!Boss: Terrorsmith!

If you can manage a couple of heavy hits, you'll stagger him and
can unleash another combo, maybe two(if you're lucky). But, Watch
out when there's a flash of light and get away from him. As for
his other attacks, 2-Hit and Ground Stomp: You can block his
2-hit, but you need to jump or run away to avoid Ground Stomp.

Anyway, When the Circle-button Icon appears over his head, get
close to him and press Circle to finish him with style: Ghost
Rider jumps up and grabs his head, followed by pulling him to
the ground and climbing onto his back. Ghost Rider then pulls
out his Shotgun and blasts the Terrorsmith in the back of the
head. Pretty cool, huh?

That's about, Not very complicated for an introductory boss, eh?

!End Boss Fight!

Advance through the doorway after the boss to end the stage and
receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 2: Hell's Highway

Welcome to your first Bike Level! Time to tear across Hell on
Ghost Rider's AWESOME Hellcycle!

The rules are as follows:

1) Don't let off the Accelerator unless neccessary.
2) Use the Bike Hellshot to destroy stationary enemies ahead,
   not bikers.
3) Swerve away from bikers that are alongside you to avoid
   their attacks.
4) Make use of the Hellcycle's abilities to prevent from
   wiping yourself out.
5) Upgrade your Bike Hellshot as needed.
6) FOLLOW THE ON-SCREEN MARKERS! You don't know how many
   times I've seen Up or Down arrows and suddenly blanked
   out on my button-presses only to watch Ghost Rider smash
   into something.

Anyway, That's about all I can say for the Bike Levels. As the
game progresses, the Bike Levels get harder with each one and
you have to adapt as you gain new Bike Abilities from defeated
Elementals. (btw, Some of the ramps carry you all the across a
pit, while others you need to use a mid-air Hellfire Jump to
finish the distance: a "ramp-jump")

Go ahead and upgrade your Bike Hellshot and purchase "Inferno
Kick" in Upgrades.

Now, Hit the track running! Hold R1 to Accelerate and proceed
down the track ahead. Around the bend, you'll come to your first
jump and you'll get a tutorial about it. Use your Hellfire Jump
to leap over the obstacle and continue. A ramp will carry you
across a lava pit and you'll be introduced to stationary enemies,
use the Bike Hellshot to take them out as you continue down the
track to another ramp that will carry you across, with a little
help from a Hellfire Jump. Continue along, blasting stationary
enemies with Bike Hellshot until another ramp carries you across
a pit and you'll be introduced to biker enemies. Now, As long as
they're in front of you, you "can" blast them with Bike Hellshot,
but you're supposed to use your side Chain Attacks as the tutorial
says, when they're riding alongside you. Anyway, Continue along to
another ramp that will take you across another pit for more
stationary enemies, take them out as you continue along the path
to use a Hellfire Jump to leap over another obstacle and keep
going. You'll come to your first "slide under" obstacle, use Power
Down(L2) to slide under the obstacle and continue to the next

Hold R1 and shoot off the ramp which will carry you across to the
other side where you'll have to jump another obstacle and start
blasting stationary enemies with Bike Hellshot. Continue along
the path with R1 to another obstacle to Power Down and slide
under. You'll continue till you come to a set of jumps then a
hole then two more jumps and more enemies. Continue and Power
Down under and obstacle then Hellfire Jump over a hole,
continually taking out enemies as you continue to the end of the
level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

BONUS - 7000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 3: Meet the Devil

Back to Melee Carnage! Here we go...

You'll get a scene, introducing the level and then you'll be
back in control. Note: Purchase "Super Quake", "Plasma Shotgun",
and "Quake Crash" in Upgrades.

Advance a few steps and enemies will spawn, so wipe 'em out
using your now more varied collection of combos and moves. After
they've been dealt with, approach the pillar with the Circle-button
Icon on it and press Circle to get a scene of Ghost Rider pushing
it down to knock down a bridge you can cross, enemies also appear
across the bridge. Once you cross the bridge, even more enemies
will appear, watch out for the Fire Spitters as always and try to
take them out first as they can ruin your Vengeance Gauge. A
Terrorsmith will also accompany the enemies, this is annoying as
his Ground Stomp along with the Fire Spitters always neutralize my
Vengeance Gauge. Anyway, Once the barrier's down, run up the steps
into the next room.

A little down the pathway and you can refill your health, if
neccessary, then continue through the next door.

Run down the path and up the steps onto a large platform where
many enemies will appear to assault you. Rip 'em apart and more
waves will appear afterward. After the second wave, Shielded
enemies will appear with the third wave and you'll have to get
the Vengeance Gauge up to Brutal to break their shields. A
Terrorsmith will accompany the fourth wave, alongside Fire
Spitters, so be extra careful and take them out. After the
fourth wave, the level will end and you receive your Ranking.
Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 4000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 4: Hell Scraper Duel

The second Hellcycle level... and, it's a Boss Fight! That's
right, a Hellcycle Duel against Vengeance!

Watch the "movie", then the level begins.

!Boss: Vengeance!

Immediately hold R1 and start firing off your Bike Hellshots
at Vengeance as soon as you gain control. Now, The trick to
these Hellcycle Duels is to watch the Boss' attacks and react
to avoid them. Vengeance's attacks are as follows: Rocket
Barrage, Hellfire Stream, and Dual Hellfire Missiles. To
avoid Rocket Barrage, simply swerve away from the Rockets
before they hit ground. For the Hellfire Stream, use Hellfire
Jump to leap over it (it will make multiple passes and you
need to leap over it each time. As for the Dual Hellfire
Missiles, just ride between them to avoid damage.

Anyway, As you proceed down the pathway, you'll quickly come to
a jump which you need to leap over a hole while avoiding
Vengeance's attacks and still firing your Hellshots at him.
Shortly after, You should come up alongside Vengeance and be
able to smack away at him using your Chain Attack, do so and
you should take a chunk out of his health bar before he speeds
away again. Resume the pattern of dodging and firing Hellshots
at the Boss. A ramp will carry you across a gap and then
continue down the path with the strategy above and you should
soon be victorious.

!End Boss-Fight!

Another "movie" will play to end the level and you'll receive
your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 7000

(Save the game and continue)

Level 5: A New Face in Town

A scene will introduce the stage and then you'll gain control
of Ghost Rider in this Old West-esque place. Time for Upgrades:
Get "Backdraft", "Hell Punch", and "Fire Cutter". Now, Let's
get going.

Advance and a scene will show the path being blocked with a
Soul Barrier, enemies will appear to assault you so take them
out to wipe out the barrier. The first wave is Razor Demons,
use normal tactics. But, The second wave is Hell Bats, time to
put that new "Hell Punch" to work, "Backdraft" is also good as
you can block while the fire surrounds you. The third wave is
a combination of the two, so use a good mix to take 'em out.
Btw, "Hell Punch" protects you from enemy attacks on the last
hit and is a great crowd control move. After the third wave,
the barrier falls and you can proceed to the next area.

A Soul Barrier seals the gates and more enemies spawn, so let's
bring 'em a taste of vengeance! A Terrorsmith will appear near
the end of the enemy group and you'll need to be careful, due
to the Fire Spitters. After all of them are defeated, the
barrier falls so continue through the gate to the next area.

Now, We're talking Old West! Anyway, Advance toward the saloon
and a scene will show a new enemy: Lilin jumping out of the well.
These guys can get annoying with their spinning attack, but
bare with it and you can wipe them out. After the enemies are
taken care of, enter the saloon.

Advance and more enemies appear with a Soul Barrier blocking
your way forward, so let's cut 'em down! After taking them all
out, there's about three waves, continue through the door.

Down the hall, you can refill your health, if neccessary, before
heading into the room at the end to be ambushed again. Two of
these enemies are Shielded, so you'll need a good Brutal
Vengeance Gauge to break them, so get crackin'. Head out the
hole once they're finished.

Drop off to the ground level and more enemies will attack as you
approach the dynamite crates... Time to slaughter more demons!
They're two waves: both of which will possess a Terrorsmith. The
first group will have Fire Spitters and Hell Bats, the second
will be Lilins. After you defeat both waves, go to the dynamite
crates and press Circle for a nice scene. Must be handy to have
a flaming skull for a head, huh? Head through the door to finish
the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was
as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 6: The Valley of Death

Third Hellcycle Level, here we go!

Head down the path, firing Hellshots at the stationary enemies
until you come to a slide-under obstacle, Power Down to get under
it and continue taking out stationary enemies with Hellshots.
You'll come to an area with two successive jumps, so use Hellfire
Jump to leap over the holes and continue. Biker-type enemies will
appear now, so take them out with Hellshots and Chain Attacks as
you proceed. Just continue, taking out biker and stationary
enemies, until you come to another slide-under obstacle, followed
by a ramp across a pit, then more enemies and another slide under
obstacle. Continue to reach the next screen.

Head down the path and to a bit of a tricky jump set. Head up the
ramp and then jump a hole, followed by a ramp, then two successive
jumps. Be sure to take out as many of the enemies as you can while
navigating the obstacles. Continue and pass under another obstacle
with Power Down, followed by a ramp-jump, all while blasting away
at enemies with Hellshot. Continue across another ramp jump and
then another slide-under obstacle and on to the next screen.

Just ride down the path, blasting enemies with Hellshots and
swerving around obstacles until you come to a ramp-jump, a little
further and Power Down to slide under another obstacle, followed
by another ramp-jump. Continue along, wiping out biker and
stationary enemies with a combination of Hellshots and Chain
Attacks until you come to another ramp-jump. Clear it and there's
another slide-under obstacle ahead. A few more enemies and another
ramp-jump, followed by more enemies. Head down the path, defeating
as many enemies as possible and swerving around obstacles and
you'll soon come to a series of three successive jumps. Clear
them and start blasting enemies again, continuing to end the level
and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save the game and continue)

Level 7: The Mine's Dark Heart

A short level with a Boss: The Earth Elemental!

You'll get a scene introducing the stage and then you gain
control as usual. First off, Head into Upgrade: Purchase
"Barge Spin", "Spinning Top", and "Devil's Headbutt". Also,
upgrade your Health three times and Spirit once.

Advance into the mine-shaft and you'll be ambushed by enemies.
Tear through them, two short waves, then board the elevator
and press Circle to head up.

Enemies will attack as you're riding the elevator up, there
should be about five waves: Razor Demons, Razor Demons and
Fire Spitters, Hell Bats, Lilins, Hell Bats and Lilins. Once
they're all vanquished, you'll reach the top level of the

Head up the path to reach a big round area and you'll get a
scene to show you the Boss, Earth Elemental.

!Boss: Earth Elemental!

As with Terrorsmith, Memorize his attack-patterns as he'll
be back as a regular enemy in future stages. Speaking of his
attacks: Ground Pound(Jump to avoid) & 3-hit Left Swings
(Block or avoid).

Attack the Earth Elemental with regular combos and, if he
tries a 3-hit Left Swings, block then resume your combos(mix
it up). However, If he attempts a Ground Pound, you'll need
to jump to avoid it before continuing your assault and watch
for the Circle-button Icon to appear above his head, get
close to him and hit it.

The finishing move for the Earth Elemental has Ghost Rider
hitting it with a barrage of punches, four hits, followed
by a jumping right uppercut to finish the combo and topple
the rocky giant.

!End Boss-Fight!

After the fight, pick up the Earth Soul to gain the ability
to destroy Earth Barriers. Head back to the elevator and
press Circle to head back down.

On the elevator-ride back down, you'll be ambushed by more
waves of enemies: Hell Bats, Fire Spitters and Lilins, Razor
Demons and Hell Bats. Afterward, You'll arrive back at the
bottom level. As you start back toward the door, more enemies
will appear and attack you, take them out. Near the end of the
wave of enemies, an Earth Elemental will appear, try to avoid
it until you take care of the other enemies then take it out
and head back to the entrance to finish the level and receive
your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

TIME - 6:49 - BRUTAL!
BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 8: Back to the Surface

Hellcycle Level. "Remember your training, young Skywalker!"

You'll get a scene of Ghost Rider adding the Earth Soul's power
to the Hellcycle to grant it the Double Hellfire Jump ability.

Hit R1 and soon you'll need a Double Hellfire Jump to cross the
gap, and start blasting enemies. Continue and you'll reach a
succession of three Double Hellfire Jump pits. Get across,
continually blasting enemies with Hellshot. As you proceed,
You'll come to a ramp-jump, followed by a slide-under obstacle,
then another ramp-jump. Biker-type enemies will appear, so take
them out with Hellshots and Chain Attacks as you continue.
Continue, taking out stationary and biker enemies and avoiding
attacks as you go until you reach a ramp-jump, as you leave the
ramp use a Double Hellfire Jump to get on the upper path and
continue, blasting Hellshots at the enemies as always. You'll
come to another ramp-jump(Double) that you need to cross, keep
blasting. Continue to reach the next screen.

Hold down R1 and hit L2 a little way down the path to slide
under the obstacle, followed by a ramp-jump(Double). Head
forward to a ramp-jump(single) and continue along, continuing
to fire Hellshots all the while until you come to a slide-under
obstacle and continue firing on the enemies. As you proceed,
You'll come to a successive series of four single jumps,
continuing to fire off Hellshots as you go. You'll soon come to
the next screen.

Head down the path to a slide-under obstacle, followed by going
up a ramp off to the right and jump to the upper path, then jump
at the next marker(make a Double Hellfire Jump if needed), and
afterward there's another slide-under obstacle. Biker-type enemies
will appear after that, as well as stationary ones, take out as
many as you can as you proceed down the path. Continue along till
you reach two successive jumps, then head along forward as you
blast stationary enemies. Keep going until you reach another
slide-under obstacle, then continue to end the level and receive
your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 9: Desert Rain

As the stage starts, head into Upgrade: Purchase "Hyper Chain
Spin" and "Hellfire Ball". Also upgrade your Health the fourth
and final time.

Head toward the Earth Barrier to trigger an enemy ambush,
including an Earth Elemental. Take them out and press Circle
at the Earth Barrier to remove and head through the door.

Advance down the hall and refill your health, if neccessary,
then continue off the "ledge" at the end, back outside. Head out
of the alley and enemies will appear to assault you. Beat them
down and head out the main gates.

Continue down the path, the way will seal off and enemies will
attack. Time for more ass-kickin', Ghost Rider-style! There'll
be two waves, both with an Earth Elemental, so take them out
and head through the hole to the next screen.

Head up the path and take the off-branch toward the Earth
Barrier, then press Circle to remove it and head through to
the next screen.

Proceed forward, the path will seal off and a Shielded enemy
will appear along with two Earth Elementals. You'll need a Brutal
rating on your Vengeance Gauge to break the shield so you can
finish the enemy off, then work on the two Earth Elementals.
After two enemies are finished, another Shielded enemy will
appear with a Razor Demon, along with another Earth Elemental.
Head through the opening to finish the level and receive your
Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 10: Lightning Strikes

This level is a little different, as it's a Boss Level. This
means that the level consists of the Boss-Fight only. It'll be
a little longer than your average boss-fight and there's no
finishing move for the boss.

Watch the "movie" and prepare to fight the boss. But first,
Upgrades: Upgrade Spirit, Link Charge, and Shotgun. Now, The

!Boss: Lilith!

Lilith's attacks are as follows: Lightning(roll away from where
the mark appears), bolts will fire down two to four times. Electric
Ball(block or roll to avoid). Lightning Wave(jump or roll to avoid
damage). Lightning Storm(run toward her to avoid), she uses this
after you've dealt damage to her.

First off, Lilith will summon Lilins to fight you and she'll
levitate off the ground, enshrouded by an electrical barrier. So,
Start fighting off her minions and avoiding her attacks until her
shield collapses, then run up to her and start attacking away with
your chain and fists. You should get in about one or two combos
before her shield recovers and you're left fighting her minions
again. Rinse and repeat.

!End Boss-Fight!

Watch the "movie" and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing
this, was as follows:

BONUS - 7000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 11: Perimeter Breach

A scene will introduce the level to you and you'll gain control
afterward, as before. Upgrade: Purchase "Comet", your final

Proceed toward the doors, it will seal off and enemies will
appear to attack you. Let's wipe 'em out! After you've
finished them all, head into the facility.

Advance along the hall and enter the door at the end.

Approach the center of the room to trigger a "barrier-scene"
and enemies will spawn. Take care of them, Razor Demons then Fire
Spitters and Earth Elementals, then a scene will play to introduce
some new playmates: Deathwatch Katana Ninja. Let's rip them to
shreds! An Earth Elemental will chime in near the end, so wipe him
out too, then head through the doorway.

Refill your health, if neccessary, and head into the next room.

Head down two sets of stairs and into the center of the room to
trigger another "barrier-scene" and more enemies will appear. You
know what to do, bring vengeance down upon them! After defeating
a wave of Katana Ninja, two Shielded enemies and a Terrorsmith
will appear, so get a Brutal on the Vengeance Gauge to shatter
their shields and take 'em down. After that's done, head through
the barrier-less door into the next room.

Head down the hall and be introduced to another new enemy:
Deathwatch Shuriken Ninja. Two will accompany a Katana Ninja, so
take out all three and two more Shuriken Ninja will appear.
After they're taken care of, head through the door at the end of
the hall.

Refill health, if neccessary, and proceed to the elevator's
control-panel. Press Circle and the elevator will start its

On the ride down, enemies will appear and you need to kill them
all. The waves are as follows: Razor Demons, Katana Ninja. Then
the elevator will reach the next screen.

Walk off the elevator and enter the double-doors across from
it to end the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when
writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 12: Flooded Depths

A Bike-level, hasn't been one of these in a few stages, eh?
Upgrade your Bike Hellshot a second time.

Accelerate and immediately Power Down to slide under the
obstacle. This is followed immediately by another slide-under
obstacle then a small jump. Now continue down the path, blasting
enemies(2 at a time, now) with Hellshot and you'll eventually
come to series like this: jump across, slide-under, jump over,
slide-under. Now, Keep going and biker-type enemies will appear,
you know how to take them out. Keep riding, taking out stationary
and biker-type enemies, until you come to a ramp leading up to a
huge jump over a spinning fan. This is tricky, look closely at
the Up Markers and press the jump button right when you reach
them, but be careful: too soon or too late and you'll smash
right into something. Continue and you'll reach the next

Keep going and you'll come a series like this: jump over,
slide-under, jump over. Be careful not to accidentally go off
into the water as you don't yet have Hellfire Surf ability.
Anyway, Continue along, blasting enemies and avoiding the
water, and you'll come a series of three successive jumps.
After you cross them, continue on your Hellshot-blasting-spree
as you ride down the path. You'll come to jump, followed by a
ramp-jump, then a slide-under obstacle, then another ramp-jump
that will land you in a tunnel. As you come out of the tunnel,
you'll need to use a Hellfire Jump to cover the distance,
followed by a Power Down to slide under an obstacle, then
another Hellfire Jump to cross the distance without landing in
the water. Continue along, blasting enemies and all, until you
come to jump at the end to finish the level and receive your
Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

TIME - 3:51 - AVENGED!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 13: The Lower Levels

Watch the level-introduction scene. Upgrade: Finish up your
Spirit and Bike Hellshot.

Head up the steps and toward the door to trigger the
"barrier-scene" and enemies attack. Let's give 'em a
taste of Hellfire! The first wave will be Razor Demons,
followed by Katana and Shuriken Ninja, then Razor Demons
and an Earth Elemental. After all three waves are taken
care of, head through the door.

Refill your health, if neccessary, and proceed to be met
by more enemies, including an Earth Elemental. "Tear them
down!" You don't hafta defeat them, but I do anyway because
the combat is so much fun. Anyway, Enter the door to the
next room.

Head down the hall and go through the door at the end.

Head into the room and approach the door to trigger a scene
which has the Water Elemental busting out of its container
to attack you. Time for another Boss!

!Boss: Water Elemental!

(Note: Again, Memorize his attacks and patterns as he'll
be back)

Okay, Be wary of this guy's near-inability to be stunned
even with the Shotgun. Some may want to use Retribution here,
but I almost never use it. The Water Elemental's attacks are
as follows: Water Beam(must dodge as it's unblockable), Water
Teleport(not an attack, just gets the Elemental close to you).
Those are about all he ever uses against me(if you know an
attack of this guy's that I don't, e-mail me with the info).

Anyway, Attack the Boss with a combo, then dodge his Water Beam
attack and hit him with another *different* combo, repeat until
Circle-button Icon appears. Approach the Boss and press Circle.

The finishing move for Water Elemental has Ghost Rider lift the
beast over his head with both arms before dropping him to the
ground, then grabbing him by the tail and jerking him over-the-
shoulder to slam him against the ground, wiping him out.

!End Boss-Fight!

Grab the Water Soul to gain the ability to destroy Water
Barriers and go through the previously sealed door.

Head toward the computer-terminal in the corner to get the
"barrier-scene" and enemies' appearance. Let's do what Ghost Rider
does best, bring vengeance down on the wicked! Lilins and Razor
Demons will attack, with an Earth Elemental showing up at the end.
After they're vanquished, approach the console and press Circle
while refilling your health, if neccessary. Watch the scene,
it's quite entertaining. Head across the new "bridge" and through
the hole to the next screen.

Drop down and a "barrier-scene" will play, followed by enemies
appearing for you dismantle. Let's have some fun, shall we? During
the waves of enemies, two Water Elemental will appear, so be
careful of them in combination with the Shuriken Ninja. After the
skirmish, head to the door from which you first entered this whole
level to end it and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this,
was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 14: Swimming with Sharks

Watch the scene as Ghost Rider adds the Water Soul's power to
the Hellcycle to grant it the Hellfire Surf ability, no more
worrying about water, eh? This level marks the first and only
appearance of the Exploding Shark enemy.

Hit R1 and just ahead, you'll see a jump. Make it and proceed
down the path, blasting enemies(3 at a time, now) as you go,
and you'll see arrows pointing to a narrow pathway in the water,
so take it. After another narrow pathway marker, you'll
encounter the Exploding Sharks. If not destroyed quickly,
these creatures will explode and you'll hafta swerve to avoid
them... try to take them out. At the end of the waterway will
be Up markers and line of Downs, you need to use a Double
Hellfire Jump to make it to where the Downs are and, if
centered on the path, you'll land in the right place and
continue along. Keep going, blasting away with your Triple
Homing Hellshots, until you come to small jump, followed by
two slide-under obstacles. After these, You'll quickly end the
level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was
as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 15: Back on Top

Upgrades: Finish upgrading your Shotgun.

Now, Head onto the elevator and activate its control-panel
to begin the accend back up.

Enemies will appear to attack you on your trip up, just like
on the trip down, so let's take 'em all out! The waves are as
follows: Razor Demons, Razor Demons, Lilins and Water Elementals,
Katana Ninja. Afterward, You'll be back up.

Head toward the door and refill your health, if neccessary,
before going through it to the next room.

Head down the hall the way you came when you were here before.
Katana and Shuriken Ninja will attack along with a Water
Elemental. Take them out it you want and head through the
door at the end.

Head into the room to get the usual "barrier-scene" and
enemy-ambush. Pick apart the enemies that attack and remember
to do it with style! After they're all done with, including two
Water Elementals, head up the stairs and through the door.

Refill your health, if neccessary, and go through the door at
the opposite end of the hall.

Head into the room for Lilins to appear, after them is waves
of Katana and Shuriken Ninja, then a couple of Water Elementals.
After you've dealt with all of them, hit Circle at the Water
Barrier to finish the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when
writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 16: In Blackout's Wake

A Hellcycle-level with lots of water, the second Bike Duel and
this time your opponent is, Blackout!

Watch the "movie" and then it's time to give chase!

!Boss: Blackout!

Blackout's attacks are as follows: Water Wave(jump to avoid it),
Missile Barrage(avoid the same as you did with Vengeance, though
its a bit more difficult), Laser Waves(jump some, slide under

As the level starts, you'll be alongside Blackout so try to hit
him at least once before he pulls ahead. Anyway, Once he pulls
ahead, start firing Hellshots at him and avoid his attacks. A
little further ahead, you'll need to go through the left hole
when it opens to keep pace with Blackout, and keep firing. Next,
You need to go through the right door as it opens and then
slide-under an obstacle. Keep peppering Blackout with Hellshots
and hold down R1 constantly to keep up with him. After you've
dealt enough damage, the level's over.

!End Boss-Fight!

You'll get another "movie" to end the level and receive your
Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 7000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 17: Bar Fight
Watch the scene that introduces you to the level and a new enemy:
Demon Bikers. Upgrade: Finish upgrading your Link Charge. There,
You've got all of Ghost Rider's Combos and Specials.

Now, Let's show these punks who the real "biker" is! Be careful
it they guard, as if you attack them then they'll perform a
counter-attack that would best be blocked so you can retaliate
without the loss of your Vengeance Gauge. Elswise, Same tactics
still apply as with the other enemies. (Use Link Charge Attack
if you're in a tight spot). Afterward, Head through the door to
the next screen.

As you approach the path ahead near the "refill-station", a
"barrier-scene" will trigger followed by more Demon Bikers
appearing. More fun for us! Soon, Fire Spitters will join the
fray, then an Earth Elemental along with two Fire Spitters.
After you've gained retribution from them all you can refill
your health, if neccessary, and then head up the path to
finish the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing
this, was as follows:

BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 18: City Limits

The next Hellcycle-Level, so let's hit the road ridin'!

Hit R1 and turn left after just short distance, biker-type
enemies will appear so start swinging and blasting away to
take them out as you continue. Just keep following the path
until you reach a ramp-jump(double), followed by a slide-under
obstacle, then a small jump. Now that you're past that,
continue following the path, jumping(if needed) over a small
gap. More stationary enemies will appear, so blast them with
Hellshots and keep ridin'. You'll soon come to a narrow ramp-
jump, followed shortly by a ramp-jump(double). Continue
blasting enemies as you ride and you'll soon end the level
and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

TIME - 1:54 - AVENGED!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 19: Civil Disturbance

Head down the street to get the standard "barrier-scene"
and enemies will appear to stop you. Time for some Hell-
raising fun with Razor Demons, who will be joined soon by
Demon Bikers. After they're dispatched, a new enemy: Demon
Rocketeers will appear near the barrier. Be careful of their
rocket attacks and take them out. After the first two are
dealt with, more will appear, accompanied by Demon Bikers,
so wipe 'em all out, only to be greeted by a Terrorsmith
accompanying two more Demon Rocketeers. After the barrier
falls, head through the door to the next screen.

As you move to enter the room, a "barrier-scene" will play,
followed by the appearance of Razor Demons, then Lilins, then
a combination of those two enemy types. Two Shielded Lilins
will appear and, this time, you need a Vengeance! rating on
your Vengeance Gauge to break their shields, a Terrorsmith
will also accompany them. After dealing with them, you can
restore your health, if needed, at the flaming barrel before
proceeding to the next screen.

Once in the street, A "barrier-scene" will play(the gas-pumps
are what's blocked) and enemies will appear. Take them out
with some fiery vengeance! After you've dealt with the Lilins
and Demon Rocketeers, a Water Elemental and more Lilins will
appear and, after they're dealt with, the barrier around the
pumps will fall. Refill your health, if neccessary, and then
approach the pumps and press Circle for a nice explosion,
then advance to the next screen.

Advance into the cemetary to be introduced to another new
enemy, Demon Crows. These guys are just slightly stronger
Hell Bats(essentially), so the same tactics apply. Before
long, Razor Demons will appear to attack you also, so
alter your tactics accordingly. After the Razor Demons are
defeated, more Demon Crows will appear along with Demon
Bikers. After that, restore your health in the corner, if
neccessary, before advancing to the next screen.

Head toward the center of the area for another "barrier-
scene" and Hell Bats will appear. The next wave is Razor
Demons that will soon be accompanied by Fire Spitters. The
third and final wave is more Razor Demons and a Terrorsmith.
After all three waves are defeated, head up the stairs to
finish the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing
this, was as follows:

BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 20: The Danger Zone

Another Hellcycle-Level, you know the drill.

Hit the accelerator(R1) and let's ride! Blast the stationary
enemies as you go and, after two left turns, you'll end up down
in the subway area. Keep blasting the stationary enemies as you
ride, and you'll eventually come to ramp-jump(double). After
that, Keep following the track and biker-type enemies will
start appearing, so use Hellshots and Chain Attacks to take
care of them as you continue. You'll soon come to two
successive slide-under obstacles, afterwhich more biker-type
enemies will appear as you continue. A little while longer and
you'll be back up on the streets above, still blasting away with
Hellshots until you finish the level and receive your Ranking.
Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 7000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 21: High Rise

As the level begins, you'll get a scene to introduce the level
that becomes a "barrier-scene" and enemies will appear, then you
gain control. The enemies will be Demon Bikers and Shuriken Ninja,
so battle through them. The next wave will be Shuriken Ninja,
Katana Ninja, and an Earth Elemental. After all the enemies are
defeated, head up the fire-escape stairs to the next screen.

Keep heading up the flights of stairs, stopping to refill health,
if neccessary, and enter the hole at the top to reach the next

Advance toward the door marked "exit" and a "barrier-scene" will
trigger, continue a little further and Demon Crows will appear.
After they're all dead, go through the door to reach the next

Proceed into this room and a scene will trigger, introducing
you to the next boss: Air Elemental!

!Boss: Air Elemental!

(Note: Memorize attacks and attack-patterns, he'll be a
normal enemy soon enough)

The easiest of the Elementals in my opinion. His attacks are
as follows: Black Tornado(just move away from him or blast him
with the Shotgun), Screeching Swipes (block or roll to avoid).

Avoid his two attacks and combo him a couple times to cut down
his health bar and cause the Circle-button Icon to appear. Once
it does, Get close to him and press Circle.

The Air Elemental finishing move has Ghost Rider whip out his
chain, slashing the Air Elemental up into the air and following
with him to slash him again horizontally, before performing a
downward swing that drives the Elemental into the ground to
finish it off.

!End Boss-Fight!

Pick up the Air Soul to gain the power to destory Air Barriers
and return through the door you came through and head back down
to the ground-level.

As you head down the street, more enemies will appear, including:
Demon Rocketeers, Katana Ninja, and a Wind Elemental. So defeat
them all and then head between the crashed cars to finish the
level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 22: Ride Like the Wind

Another Hellcycle-Level, so let's ride! You'll get a scene of Ghost
Rider adding the Air Soul's power to the Hellcycle to grant it the
Hellfire Boost ability.

Hit and hold R1 to accelerate down the street, blasting Hellshots
at stationary enemies, and you'll soon enter the subway again(like
before). Head on through the subway-tunnel, blasting enemies, and
biker-types will appear so take them out while you're at it. Keep
goin' and you'll soon come to a series of two successive slide-
under obstacles, so hit R2 to slide under the first then hit it
again to go under the second one, and keep ridin'. More biker-type
and stationary enemies will appear ahead of you, so use Hellshots
and Chain Attacks(depending) to take care of them as you ride, be
sure to avoid what attacks you can as you go. Before too long,
you'll reach a ramp-jump(double) so get over it to continue and
you'll quickly reach the surface again. Keep blasting the
stationary enemies as you go and you'll soon finish the level
and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 7000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 23: The Church Awaits

Head down the stairs and toward the archway to get the standard
"barrier-scene" with the appearance of four Demon Crows(2 normal
and 2 Shielded). You'll need to get a Vengeance! rating on your
Vengeance Gauge, so start attacking and mix up your combos to get
that Gauge up (tip: Use Link Charge Attack after getting your
rating to around Condemned! to shoot it up to Vengeance!). More
Demon Crows will appear after you've dealt with the Shielded
ones, so use normal tactics to take them out and then Razor
Demons will appear with two Demon Rocketeers. As you terminate
them, more Rocketeers and Razor Demons will appear, along with a
Terrorsmith, so be cautious as you fight them all off. After
you've defeated them all, head through the archway to reach the
next screen.

Restore your health, if neccessary, across from the way you just
entered and then head down through the cemetary, to exit through
a hole in the wall to the next screen.

Head down the street to trigger a scene of the Air Barrier and
enemies will appear, including: Demon Rocketeers, Demon Bikers,
and a Water Elemental. After they've all been dispatched, press
Circle at the Air Barrier to remove it and press the button
again to go through the gate to the next screen.

Head around the corner and up the pathway between the angel
statues to be met by more Demon Crows and you'll see a red
barrier up ahead, blocking your way. Let's take these birds out
and Demon Bikers will appear, followed by more Bikers with more
Crows. After you've defeated all three waves, the barrier will
fall so go through the gate to the next screen.

Follow the path toward the church entrance and it will seal
off in a "barrier-scene", followed by the appearance of some
Demon Biker and Demon Rocketeer enemies. After about three
waves of these enemies, three Air Elementals will appear and
you'll have to deal with them too. The barrier will fall after
you've defeated the last of the enemies, so head into the
church to finish the level and receive your Ranking. Mine,
when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 6000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 24: Psycho Storm

Watch the "movie" and it's time for another Boss-Level and, this
time, your opponent is: Scarecrow!

!Boss: Scarecrow!

Scarecrow's attacks are as follows: "2-Hit Swing" in which he'll
swing his pole at you twice with the end glowing red(blocking
works good), "RamRod" in which he pulls his pole back at his side
with the end pointed at you and then he'll rush toward you to
thrust the pole at you(roll around him and attack), "Crow
Whistle" in which he whistles to call a group of Demon Crows to
fight you in place of fighting you directly(kill the Crows and
he'll fight directly), and "Look Out, Below!" in which he grapples
up to one of the four pillars in the room and he'll say "Look Out,
Below!" followed by a circle appearing on the ground under your
feet and then his pole will fly down vertically to that spot(roll
away to avoid, unblockable).

Scarecrow will start off by summoning Demon Crows and you won't
be able to attack him directly, so concentrate on the Crows first.
Once you've dealt with them, Scarecrow will say, "You'll pay for
that!" and approach to attack you, hit him a time or two, then
block his attack. After fighting him for awhile, he'll do his
"Look Out, Below!" attack and you'll have to find which pillar
he's on and hit it to knock him off, so you can attack. Just keep
attacking him whenever he's vulnerable and avoiding damage from
his attacks, while keeping an eye on any Crows that may be present,
and you'll beat him soon enough. Also, If you blast him with your
Shotgun, it'll stun him and you can hit him with a good solid

!End Boss-Fight!

Watch the "movie" and the level will end with you receiving your
Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 25: All the Fun of the Fair

The circus... bleh. Anyway, A scene will introduce the level
and you'll gain control afterward. Advance toward the bridge
and Demon Crows will appear so take them out with a good "Hell
Punch" or two and continue to reach the next screen.

Head into the Carnival area to be met by Demon Crows and Demon
Bikers, send them back to Hell and you'll get a scene to
introduce a new enemy: Bomb Clowns. Watch out if these guys
roll toward you, hit them or they'll plant a bomb at your feet
which will explode a few moments later. After you've killed
the first three clowns, Demon Bikers will appear to accompany
more of the bomb-totin' carnival-creeps. For the next wave,
Demon Bikers will accompany an Earth Elemental, so let's burn
'em down. After you've slain them all, head up the hill and
go through the gate to reach the next screen.

Advance and more Bomb Clowns will appear, accompanied by Demon
Crows. After you've "sent out" the Clowns(and Crows), head up
the steps in the back and refill your health, if neccessary,
then enter the funhouse.

Follow the train-tracks and you'll get a scene to introduce
you to yet another new type of enemy: Hatchet Clowns. These
guys will jump and dance around alot, and they attack by
hopping toward you to chop at you with their hatchets. After
dealing with all the hatchet-totin' punks, head through the
door at the end to the next room.

Head onward and you'll get a "barrier-scene", sealing off
the lever you need to operate, and more carnival-creeps will
appear(both types). Start giving them a taste of Hellfire!
Two Shielded Bomb Clowns will be amongst the enemies and
you'll need a Vengeance! rating on your Vengeance Gauge to
break their shields so you can kill them. After you finish
off all the silly Clowns, two Terrorsmiths will appear near
the barrier, along with more carnival-creeps for you to rid
the world of. After they're all eliminated, the barrier will
fall and you can approach the lever and press Circle to
activate a scene that's quite humorous. Head through the door
you just "opened" to reach the next screen.

Refill your health, if neccessary, and head out the door
marked exit to the next screen.

Head up toward the carousel to trigger the appearance of
more clownish idiots. So take them all out as you approach
the barrier at the end. An Air Elemental will accompany the
last wave of enemies. After you've finish clearing them all
out, the barrier will fall so go through to reach the next

Head up to a gate and go through it to reach the ferris
wheel screen.

Get on the ferris wheel cart and press Circle to ride it up
to another screen.

Just re-enter the ferris wheel cart and press Circle again
to reach yet another screen.

Head up onto the street to trigger a scene of enemies
appearing that will also show you a barrier. Take out all
the Clowns that appear and a Water Elemental will soon join
the fun. Keep taking out the enemies until the barrier falls,
then head up through where it was to finish the level and
receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

TIME - 15:20 - DAMNED!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 26: Route 666

Time to ride! The next Hellcycle-Level is here!

Watch the introduction scene to the level and then hit R1 to
burn rubber! Blast the enemies with Hellshots as you swerve
around the truck and hit the ramp that will carry you across.
Keep blasting as you land and don't let off your accelerator.
Keep following the arrows and blasting stationary enemies,
then you'll reach a slide-under obstacle, and then biker-type
enemies will appear. Take them out with a combination of
Hellshots and Chain Attacks as you ride on. You'll eventually
come to a slide-under obstacle, followed by a small jump over
a gap, and ahead you'll notice another jump. After this jump,
you'll soon reach a ramp and you need to use a Hellfire Boost,
followed by a Hellfire Jump(or two) to cross the huge gap.
Keep following the path and blasting enemies until you reach
the next screen.

Two stationary enemies will appear as soon as the screen
starts, so blast them as you ride, and jump over the small
gap. Continue along and you'll reach a ramp-jump(double),
followed by continuing along the roadway, blasting stationary
enemies. After awhile, you'll reach a boost-ramp-jump,
followed by a ramp-jump(double). Keep going and you'll soon
come to a narrow boost-ramp-jump that's followed shortly by a
standard ramp(jump, if needed) to cross a gap. Keep riding,
firing Hellshots at all the stationary enemies as you go, and
you'll soon come a small jump onto a narrow beam. Ride along
these beams, jumping from one to the next until you reach the
roadway again and continue to reach the next screen.

You'll almost immediately need to jump a gap and keep
blasting enemies. There'll be another small gap to jump,
followed by a jump-over obstacle, then a slide-under obstacle.
Keep firing Hellshots at the enemies after the obstacles as
you ride along. You'll eventually come to a narrow boost-
ramp-jump to land in narrow raised roadway, then do a Double
Hellfire Jump to cross the gap, followed by pressing R2 to
slide under another obstacle. Afterwhich, There's a small
gap to jump and biker-type enemies will appear, so use Chain
Attacks and Hellshots to eliminate as many as you can as you
continue. You'll come to a jump-over obstacle, followed by a
slide-under obstacle, then continue to finish the level and
receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

TIME - 4:46 - BRUTAL!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 27: Demon Bayou
You'll get a scene to introduce the level and you'll gain
control of Ghost Rider, so advance forward to trigger
enemies' appearance: Katana and Shuriken Ninja. After the
first group, head onto the bridge and defeat the Katana
and Shuriken Ninja that keep appearing as you cross it.
After the bridge, you'll see the barrier and an Earth
Elemental will appear, accompanied by more Katana and
Shuriken Ninja. Be careful and take them all out. Refill
your health up the steps, if neccessary, and then go
through the fence where the barrier was to reach the next

Head toward the bridge and get a scene to show you five enemy
Katana Ninja appearing, two are Shielded. You'll need a
Vengeance! on your Vengeance Gauge to break the shields so
you can take out the enemies. After you've dealt with them,
head across the bridge to see another barrier and get another
scene of enemies appearing: An Air Elemental and Demon Crows.
After the barrier falls, go through the fence to reach the
next screen.

Advance into the center of the area and a scene will play,
introducing the next boss: Muck Monster!

!Boss: Muck Monster!

(Note: Memorize attacks and patterns, as he'll be back

Muck Monster's attacks are as follows: "4-Hit Swings" in
which he'll swing at you once with each of his four arms(dodge
this attack), "Ground Beat" in which he beats the ground in
front of himself, causing a minor shockwave and up-blasts of
dirt (run or jump away to avoid), "Dirt Spray" which he does
after you've stunned him and hit him with a combo, he'll spit
a wide-spray of dirt at you(rarely hits, but roll away to

Blast him with your Shotgun to stun him and run in to nail him
with a solid combo, then run away, block, or blast him with
another Shotgun blast to re-stun him. Watch that you don't get
hit too much, cause he does alot of damage. Keep attacking and
avoiding damage until you see the Circle-button Icon appear
over his head. Get close and press Circle for Ghost Rider's
Muck Monster finishing move:

Ghost Rider performs a jumping left knee-lift to its chin,
followed by a downward right punch to knock his head into the
ground, then a splendid backflip-kick in slow-motion. While still
in the air, Ghost Rider pulls out his Shotgun and blasts the Muck
Monster in the face to finish it off. (My favorite finisher!)

!End Boss-Fight!

Afterward, Grab the Dark Soul to attain the ability to destroy
Dark Barriers and leave this screen back to the previous one.

Head forward and cross the small bridge, enemies will appear
before you reach the fence: A Muck Monster and Hell Bats. Take
them out or not and go through the fence to the next screen.

Head up the steps on the side to refill your health, if
neccessary, and then continue on to cross the long bridge back
to the first part of the area where a barrier will erect and
two Muck Monsters will appear, accompanied by Katana and
Shuriken Ninja. Take out all the enemies that appear until the
barrier falls and head through the fence to end the level and
receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

TIME - 12:01 - DAMNED!
BONUS - 4000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 28: Carnival Return

Here we are at the final Hellcycle-Level, you've almost
finished the game. Now, Let's ride one last time!

After the quick scene, hit the accelerator(R1) and then use
R2 to Power Down to slide under the obstacle, followed by a
quick Hellfire Jump over another obstacle. Continue down the
road and biker-type enemies appear so use Hellshots and Chain
Attacks to take them out as you go. Soon enough, you'll reach a
small jump, followed by a slide-under obstacle, then a ramp-jump
(single). You'll see a narrow ramp ahead which is actually a
boost-ramp-jump to get across the huge gap. Keep ridin', blasting
with your Hellshots as you go, and you'll eventually reach a
slide-under obstacle, followed by jump-over obstacle, then a
small gap to jump over. Continue firing Hellshots as you ride
along and they're be another small gap to jump over, then keep
going to reach the next screen.

Almost as soon as this screen begins, you'll need to jump the
narrow beams again, remember to jump each one to the next(slowing
down, if neccessary) until you reach the street on the other side.
Now, Keep riding along, blasting enemies as you go, and you'll
reach a gap you'll have to do a Double Hellfire Jump over a gap
to continue. Soon, You'll see another narrow ramp, so use your
Hellfire Boost to get carried over the gap(use a Hellfire Jump too,
if neccessary). As you continue along, you'll reach a ramp-jump
(double) to get across. Keep ridin' and jump over a small gap,
being sure to keep firing your Hellshots at the stationary enemies
as you go. Soon, You'll reach a boost-ramp-jump(double) to get
across a gap and continue along, firing your Hellshots all the
while. After awhile, you'll need to jump across a small gap and
continue along to reach the next screen.

Ride along the roadway until your see a ramp that's actually a
boost-ramp-jump(double). After the gap, keep going and you'll come
to a quick jump across a gap, followed shortly by another jump over
a gap. Keep ridin', firing Hellshots all the while, and Power Down
to slide under an obstacle. Afterwhich, Biker-type enemies will
appear and you'll notice stationary enemies in clefts along the
walls, use a combination of Hellshots and Chain Attacks as usual
to take out what enemies you can as you continue. You'll eventually
come to another slide-under obstacle and then continue along,
firing off Hellshots as you go. Keep going until you come to a ramp
that'll carry you across a gap and you'll soon finish the level
and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as follows:

TIME - 4:37 - BRUTAL!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 29: The Summit

Fight off the enemies as you head toward the ferris wheel. Board the
cart and press Circle to ride the ferris wheel to the next screen.

Approach the Dark Barrier and press Circle to get rid of it, then
head down to the end. Refill your health, if neccessary, and enter
the door to the left to reach the next screen.

Head toward the Big Top to trigger a "barrier-scene" and the
appearance of five enemies: A Water Elemental, two Razor Demons,
and two Fire Spitters. Be careful as you fight them, as more enemies
will appear. The second wave will be: A Muck Monster, Bomb Clowns,
and Hatchet Clowns. The third wave: Two Water Elementals, Hell Bats,
and Bomb Clowns. After the third wave, you can enter the Big Top tent
to finish the level and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing
this, was as follows:

TIME - 4:16 - BRUTAL!
BONUS - 5000

(Save your game and continue)

Level 30: Hell on Earth

Watch the "movie" and be prepared for the final battle. This is
a Boss-Level and your final opponent is: Blackheart!

!Boss: Blackheart!

Blackheart's attacks are as follows: "Roaring Meteors" in which
he pulls his head back and roars to launch white meteors from his
mouth(run around to avoid them), "Sledge Blow" in which he pulls
both hands back and locks them together before slamming them
against the center of the plot of land you're on to create a
shockwave(jump aside to avoid the slam and shockwave), "Swipe" in
which he swings his right hand to swipe at you with his claws(roll
through the swipe), and "Thwack" in which he'll growl then pull
his right or left hand back before slamming his palm against the
ground(roll away to avoid).

Wow. For a final boss, this guy's really easy to beat. Anyway,
You can't attack him until you've destroyed one of his pyramid-
jewels on the back of his hands(either is fine). Just avoid his
attacks until he does his "Thwack" attack, roll out of the way
of this attack and then move in to attack the pyramid-jewel
(about three hits will do). If you manage to destroy the
pyramid-jewel, Blackheart will look at the back of his hand
and a scene will play that has Ghost Rider using his chain to
jerk Blackheart's head into the ground. Now is your chance to
do some damage, you can get in two solid combos before
Blackheart recovers. If you want to take him down quickly,
make sure one of the two combos(the second one) is "Plasma
Shotgun" as it does MASSIVE damage to the Boss. Sometimes,
After you've damaged him and he's recovered, Blackheart will
destroy one side of the plot of land you're on, leaving you with
less room to avoid his attacks, so be more cautious at this
point. Just keep up with this strategy and you'll take him down
pretty easily.

!End Boss-Fight!

After the fight, watch the Ending "movie" to finish the level
and receive your Ranking. Mine, when writing this, was as

BONUS - 7000

If this is your first playthrough, you'll unlock Ghost Rider 2099,
Vengeance, and Blade as playable characters. You'll also unlock the
Cheats: Invincibility, One Hit Kill, Infinite Link Charge, Infinite
Spirit, Turbo Mode, Ultimate Ghost Rider. If you beat the game on
Extreme difficulty, you'll also unlock Classic Ghost Rider as

(Save your game and watch the credits)

You'll be returned to the Title Screen. Use the Extras Menu to
turn on/off Cheats. Anyway, That's the end of the Walkthrough and,
while it probably isn't neccessary for a straightforward game like
this, I hope it may be of use to someone as I did enjoy writing it.

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